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Inserito il 06/08/2006 17:37:28   Segnala contenuto non adatto   Rispondi Quotando  Nuovo Commento 
Wakefield accusato di conflitto di interessi

Come la notizia è stata pubblicata e anche giusto smentire ciò che è stato pubblicato in questo vostro 3D su Wakfield. Lo scienziato in questione aveva completamente ragione e noto con rammarico che il vostro sito non ha aggiornato le più recenti informazioni e le scuse pubbliche a Wakfield e mi chiedo chi lo ripagherà del fango gettatogli adosso. Mi chiedo però come mai voi siete rimasti arretrati con le informazioni scientifiche su questo argomento. Posto le più recenti informazioni, compreso la brutta figura del The General Medical Council che ha dovuto sospendere la sua inchiesta su di lui dopo le scoperte negli USA da parte dei ricercatori statunitensi nell'85% dei casi addirittura analizzati e buona parte confermati addirittura dove è stato possibile eseguirlo con il test del dna per sapere se di origine vaccinale:
Questo articolo pubblicato su Sito Telegraph News UK. oggi rileva che Ricercatori Americani hanno confermato la presenza di Virus Morbillo presente nel 85% delle biopsie prelevate intestino di bambini affetti di autismo; e questo ceppo è la stesso tipo contenuto nel vaccino MMR.
Questo studio conferma studio di Wakefield; e porterò ancora una preoccupazione di questa vaccinazione MMR.Studio sarà presentata questa settimana a Montereal/ CANADA.
Dr. Stephen Walker dall'università Wake Forest Unicersity school of Medicine ha studiato bambini affetti di autismo regressivo e problema intestinale, la cosa piu rilevante è il fatto tutti sono virus contenuti nei vaccini; stesso virus ha risposto lui.
US scientists back autism link to MMR
By Beezy Marsh and Sally Beck
(Filed: 28/05/2006)
The measles virus has been found in the guts of children with a form of autism, renewing fears over the safety of the MMR jab.
American researchers have revealed that 85 per cent of samples taken from autistic children with bowel disorders contain the virus. The strain is the same as the one used in the measles, mumps and rubella triple vaccine.
The findings will spark fresh concern about MMR, because they back theories of a causal link between the jab, autism and painful gut disorders suffered by a number of autistic children.
The study replicates findings made by the gastroenterologist Dr Andrew Wakefield in 1998 and Prof John O'Leary, a pathologist, in 2002.
Parents say their children were developing normally until they had the MMR jab, given when a child is between 12- and 18-months-old. The children now suffer from regressive autism.
One theory is that the virus passes through the gut, causing damage, and into the bloodstream, from where it is able to attack the brain.
More than 2,000 families claim that their children have suffered damage but the Department of Health reiterated last night that MMR is safe, a stance supported by the British Medical Association and all the Royal Colleges. Last year Government scientists failed to reproduce research results by Dr Wakefield.
Research to be presented this week in Montreal, Canada, provides fresh evidence that the measles virus is present in the guts of autistic children. Dr Stephen Walker, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Carolina, studied children with regressive autism and bowel disease. "Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain," he said.
13 February 2006[Health]: Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations
16 June 2002: Revealed: more evidence to challenge the safety of MMR
Incredibile ma vero; dopo tanta insinuazione su eventuale accusa che doveva affrontare come malcomportamento professione Medico ed è stato sottoposto investigazione che è durata 20mesi; danneggiando la sua professione!;
The General Medical Council ha presso la decisione di non continuare piu la investigazione contro A. Wakefield; lui ha sempre avuto l'appoggio di genitori con bambini affetti di autismo.
Questo è una bella notizia; ma adesso la mia domanda è chi ripara il danno professionale e morale che A. Wakefied ha subito???. e l'ostruzione fatta alla sua ricerca!!!
MMR row doctor who defied Government 'in the clear'
By SUE CORRIGAN and SALLY BECK, The Mail on Sunday
22:00pm 15th July 2006
The doctor at the heart of the MMR vaccine controversy may not face charges
of misconduct despite a 20-month investigation which has devastated his
professional reputation.
The General Medical Council has indicated that it will not proceed with
charges against Dr Andrew Wakefield, who first suggested a link between the
triple jab and autism.
Dr Wakefield has been strongly backed by the parents of autistic children
allegedly damaged by the vaccine, who refused to condemn his actions when
interviewed as part of the inquiry.
Last night the families claimed the investigation had been used to discredit
his work and prevent further study into the risks of the vaccine.
Dr Wakefield first suggested a link between the triple vaccine for measles,
mumps and rubella and autism and bowel disease in 1998, after carrying out
tests on 12 children admitted to the Royal Free Hospital in London with
serious bowel disorders. He proposed that parents be offered three single
The Government denied there was a problem with the vaccine and it became a
politically sensitive issue after senior Labour figures, including Tony
Blair, refused to disclose if their children had received the jab. Dr
Wakefield was ostracised by the medical establishment and has since moved to
In late 2004 the GMC announced it was launching an inquiry into allegations
of serious professional misconduct against Dr Wakefield and two former
colleagues. It centred on claims that autistic children admitted to the
hospital with serious bowel problems were subjected to "unnecessary and
invasive", tests.
smear campaign
However, the children's parents are understood to have staunchly defended
the doctors', actions, praising them as the first to take their concerns
It was also claimed Dr Wakefield's research had not been valid because he
failed to disclose a £50,000 grant from the lawyers of parents attempting to
sue MMR's manufacturers for their children's disorders. Dr Wakefield has
consistently argued that the grant was for separate research.
Nearly two years later the GMC has not drawn up any formal charges against
Dr Wakefield and no date has been set for a public hearing, at which
scientific arguments for a link between MMR and autism would have been
aired. GMC spokeswoman Jo Wren said there is now "no guarantee", there will
ever be a hearing.
New figures released last week revealed that more than one in 100 children
in the UK suffer from autism - far higher than previously thought.
Last night Rosemary Kessick, the mother of an autistic boy whose treatment
is part of the investigation, accused the GMC of allowing itself to be used
as part of a deliberate Government campaign to smear Dr Wakefield and prop
up public confidence in MMR.
"Hundreds of autistic children with the serious bowel disease first
identified by Dr Wakefield have been unable to get any treatment in the UK,
and the drawn-out GMC investigation has played a major role in this
disgraceful state of affairs," she said.
"It is deeply disturbing that Dr Wakefield's research findings and personal
integrity have been so damagingly called into question on the basis of draft
charges that may, in the end, simply be dropped."
Last night Dr Wakefield confirmed that no charges had been filed to date
Lo studio è quello fatto di Dott. Arthur Krigsman; e l'anatomopatologo che ha visionato il frammenti bioptico e Proff. Steve Walker, assistente professore del Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina. Studio sarà presentata convegno internazionale di Autism Reasearch in Montrael questa settimana.
sono stati studiati 275 bambini; avevano problemi infiammazione intestinale, e le biopsie mirate sono stati fatti su 82 di questi bambini, di questi 70 di loro è stato rilevato evidenza di virus morbillo, e di questi 14 casi il virus è stato confermato da test DNA.
The Times May 29, 2006
US study supports claims of MMR link to autism
By Sam Lister, Health Correspondent
THE safety of the MMR innoculation, the combination vaccine given to young children and widely supported by scientists, will be questioned again this week in a presentation that claims to provide proof of a link to autism.
American researchers say that their study supports the findings of Andrew Wakefield, the discredited gastroenterologist who raised fears that the measles, mumps and rubella injection might be causing autism.
Uptake of the vaccine decreased sharply after Dr Wakefield suggested that MMR should be avoided in favour of single vaccinations. His research, published in The Lancet in 1998, detected traces of the measles virus in the guts of 12 children with autism.
The latest study, led by Arthur Krigsman, of New York University School of Medicine, involved 275 children. Serious intestinal inflammations were found in some of the autistic children and biopsies of gut tissue were performed on 82 of them. Of these, 70 are said to have shown evidence of the measles virus, which so far has been confirmed in 14 cases by more stringent DNA tests.
Steve Walker, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina, who analysed the gut samples, said the work mirrored Dr Wakefield’s study. All the children involved were diagnosed with autism and had come to Dr Krigsman and Dr Walker seeking help for symptoms of serious digestive problems for which no explanation could be found.
The research, which is being presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Montreal this week, has yet to be published in a scientific journal and subjected to peer review.
Mainstream science has repeatedly examined the theory of a link between MMR and autism and found no evidence to back it. Supporters of the theory are accused of interpreting two biological occurrences as a causative relationship that does not exist.
Uptake of MMR, which was introduced into Britain in 1988, has improved in recent years, but remains as low as 70 per cent in the wake of ongoing questioning of its possible side-effects. The World Health Organisation recommends 95 per cent coverage, and the shortfall has been blamed for contributing to rising rates of measles and mumps in recent years.
A recent analysis of 31 MMR studies by the Cochrane Library, one of the most authoritative sources of evidence-based medicine, showed no credible grounds for claims of serious harm.
GO, Dr. Krigsman! ~Sue
Study Finds MMR Is Linked With Autism
By Lucy Johnston for the Sunday Express http://www.express.co.uk
Sunday, Jun 04, 2006
Scientists have confirmed the controversial link between MMR and
The findings corroborate research by Dr Andrew Wakefield,
discredited by the Department of Health for suggesting the combined measles,mumps and rubella jab may have contributed to rises in the disorder. The new study, led by Dr Arthur Krigsman, a child
gastroenterologist from New York University School of Medicine, has led to calls for an immediate overhaul of Britain's child vaccination programme.
The research, to be presented at the International Conference for
Autism Research in Montreal next week, is still going on but,
unusually early findings have been released because of the significance. The study, which covers 275 children and is being carried out at different medical centres in America, found serious intestinal inflammation in autistic children identical to that described by Dr Wakefield and his colleagues eight years ago.
Gut biopsy tissue from 82 of these children reveals that 85 per
cent have evidence of the measles virus in their inflamed intestines.
Fourteen have so far been confirmed by more stringent DNA tests.
The news will be a huge embarrassment for the Department of Health which rubbished Dr Wakefield's research on the grounds it was uncorroborated "bad science". Steve Walker, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina, who analysed the gut samples,said the work mirrored Dr Wakefield's study. "We're very excited by our findings," he said. "Wakefield's study was criticised because it lacked replication. Our goal is to see if the finding was real. Preliminary results show that it was."
Just as Dr Wakefield discovered in his work on the children with a
previously unidentified bowel condition, Dr Krigsman's patients
had all inexplicably deteriorated, losing language and other skills at
around 12 to 18 months of age.
All of the children under both doctors were diagnosed with autism
and had come to them seeking help for symptoms of serious digestive problems for which no explanation could be found.
Dr Wakefield, who was forced to resign his job as a
gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in north London after he publicised his theory, welcomed the research. He said: "The Department of Health was able to discredit our research by saying no one else had found similar results to ours but no one else had looked.
"In the light of these results - which are strikingly similar to
ours - the Government and its regulators are obliged to act. At this
stage it would be prudent and in the best interests of vaccine uptake to make single vaccines available."
Dr Richard Halvorsen, a GP from the Holborn Medical Centre in
central London, who is writing a book on the child vaccination programme,said: "This is incredibly powerful evidence confirming the link between autism, MMR and bowel disease.
"The Government should withdraw MMR until its safety can be
proven, particularly as we have safer and effective alternatives."
Jackie Fletcher, founder of Jabs, a support group for parents who
believe their children have been damaged by vaccines, said: "This
study confirms that the measles virus is present in the guts of these children when it shouldn't be.
"This also shows that the studies, which the Government use as
proof of the safety of MMR vaccine, are inadequate. The MMR should be suspended and single jabs reinstated immediately. We cannot take risks with our children."
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said it could not
comment on the research until it had been presented but she defended the triple jab.
"There is no link between autism and the MMR vaccine," she
said. "MMR remains the best form of protection against measles, mumps andrubella."
Questi articoli sono facilmente alla portata del pubblico e sono da voi verificabili perchè apparsi su riviste mediche e noti giornali di recente, leggere la data.
Stefano Ferretti
Vi invito a pubblicare e smentire ciò che è stato pubblicato in questo vostro 3D su Wakfield. Lo scienziato in questione aveva completamente ragione e noto con rammarico che il vostro sito non ha aggiornato le più recenti informazioni e le scuse pubbliche a Wakfield e mi chiedo chi lo ripagherà del fango gettatogli adosso. Mi chiedo però come mai voi siete rimasti arretrati con le informazioni scientifiche su questo argomento. Posto le più recenti informazioni, compreso la brutta figura del The General Medical Council che ha dovuto sospendere la sua inchiesta su di lui dopo le scoperte negli USA da parte dei ricercatori statunitensi nell'85% dei casi addirittura analizzati e buona parte confermati addirittura dove è stato possibile eseguirlo con il test del dna per sapere se di origine vaccinale:
Questo articolo pubblicato su Sito Telegraph News UK. oggi rileva che Ricercatori Americani hanno confermato la presenza di Virus Morbillo presente nel 85% delle biopsie prelevate intestino di bambini affetti di autismo; e questo ceppo è la stesso tipo contenuto nel vaccino MMR.
Questo studio conferma studio di Wakefield; e porterò ancora una preoccupazione di questa vaccinazione MMR.Studio sarà presentata questa settimana a Montereal/ CANADA.
Dr. Stephen Walker dall'università Wake Forest Unicersity school of Medicine ha studiato bambini affetti di autismo regressivo e problema intestinale, la cosa piu rilevante è il fatto tutti sono virus contenuti nei vaccini; stesso virus ha risposto lui.
US scientists back autism link to MMR
By Beezy Marsh and Sally Beck
(Filed: 28/05/2006)
The measles virus has been found in the guts of children with a form of autism, renewing fears over the safety of the MMR jab.
American researchers have revealed that 85 per cent of samples taken from autistic children with bowel disorders contain the virus. The strain is the same as the one used in the measles, mumps and rubella triple vaccine.
The findings will spark fresh concern about MMR, because they back theories of a causal link between the jab, autism and painful gut disorders suffered by a number of autistic children.
The study replicates findings made by the gastroenterologist Dr Andrew Wakefield in 1998 and Prof John O'Leary, a pathologist, in 2002.
Parents say their children were developing normally until they had the MMR jab, given when a child is between 12- and 18-months-old. The children now suffer from regressive autism.
One theory is that the virus passes through the gut, causing damage, and into the bloodstream, from where it is able to attack the brain.
More than 2,000 families claim that their children have suffered damage but the Department of Health reiterated last night that MMR is safe, a stance supported by the British Medical Association and all the Royal Colleges. Last year Government scientists failed to reproduce research results by Dr Wakefield.
Research to be presented this week in Montreal, Canada, provides fresh evidence that the measles virus is present in the guts of autistic children. Dr Stephen Walker, of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, North Carolina, studied children with regressive autism and bowel disease. "Of the handful of results we have in so far, all are vaccine strain," he said.
13 February 2006[Health]: Secret report reveals 18 child deaths following vaccinations
16 June 2002: Revealed: more evidence to challenge the safety of MMR
Incredibile ma vero; dopo tanta insinuazione su eventuale accusa che doveva affrontare come malcomportamento professione Medico ed è stato sottoposto investigazione che è durata 20mesi; danneggiando la sua professione!;
The General Medical Council ha presso la decisione di non continuare piu la investigazione contro A. Wakefield; lui ha sempre avuto l'appoggio di genitori con bambini affetti di autismo.
Questo è una bella notizia; ma adesso la mia domanda è chi ripara il danno professionale e morale che A. Wakefied ha subito???. e l'ostruzione fatta alla sua ricerca!!!
MMR row doctor who defied Government 'in the clear'
By SUE CORRIGAN and SALLY BECK, The Mail on Sunday
22:00pm 15th July 2006
The doctor at the heart of the MMR vaccine controversy may not face charges
of misconduct despite a 20-month investigation which has devastated his
professional reputation.
The General Medical Council has indicated that it will not proceed with
charges against Dr Andrew Wakefield, who first suggested a link between the
triple jab and autism.
Dr Wakefield has been strongly backed by the parents of autistic children
allegedly damaged by the vaccine, who refused to condemn his actions when
interviewed as part of the inquiry.
Last night the families claimed the investigation had been used to discredit
his work and prevent further study into the risks of the vaccine.
Dr Wakefield first suggested a link between the triple vaccine for measles,
mumps and rubella and autism and bowel disease in 1998, after carrying out
tests on 12 children admitted to the Royal Free Hospital in London with
serious bowel disorders. He proposed that parents be offered three single
The Government denied there was a problem with the vaccine and it became a
politically sensitive issue after senior Labour figures, including Tony
Blair, refused to disclose if their children had received the jab. Dr
Wakefield was ostracised by the medical establishment and has since moved to
In late 2004 the GMC announced it was launching an inquiry into allegations
of serious professional misconduct against Dr Wakefield and two former
colleagues. It centred on claims that autistic children admitted to the
hospital with serious bowel problems were subjected to "unnecessary and
invasive", tests.
smear campaign
However, the children's parents are understood to have staunchly defended
the doctors', actions, praising them as the first to take their concerns
It was also claimed Dr Wakefield's research had not been valid because he
failed to disclose a £50,000 grant from the lawyers of parents attempting to
sue MMR's manufacturers for their children's disorders. Dr Wakefield has
consistently argued that the grant was for separate research.
Nearly two years later the GMC has not drawn up any formal charges against
Dr Wakefield and no date has been set for a public hearing, at which
scientific arguments for a link between MMR and autism would have been
aired. GMC spokeswoman Jo Wren said there is now "no guarantee", there will
ever be a hearing.
New figures released last week revealed that more than one in 100 children
in the UK suffer from autism - far higher than previously thought.
Last night Rosemary Kessick, the mother of an autistic boy whose treatment
is part of the investigation, accused the GMC of allowing itself to be used
as part of a deliberate Government campaign to smear Dr Wakefield and prop
up public confidence in MMR.
"Hundreds of autistic children with the serious bowel disease first
identified by Dr Wakefield have been unable to get any treatment in the UK,
and the drawn-out GMC investigation has played a major role in this
disgraceful state of affairs," she said.
"It is deeply disturbing that Dr Wakefield's research findings and personal
integrity have been so damagingly called into question on the basis of draft
charges that may, in the end, simply be dropped."
Last night Dr Wakefield confirmed that no charges had been filed to date
Lo studio è quello fatto di Dott. Arthur Krigsman; e l'anatomopatologo che ha visionato il frammenti bioptico e Proff. Steve Walker, assistente professore del Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina. Studio sarà presentata convegno internazionale di Autism Reasearch in Montrael questa settimana.
sono stati studiati 275 bambini; avevano problemi infiammazione intestinale, e le biopsie mirate sono stati fatti su 82 di questi bambini, di questi 70 di loro è stato rilevato evidenza di virus morbillo, e di questi 14 casi il virus è stato confermato da test DNA.
The Times May 29, 2006
US study supports claims of MMR link to autism
By Sam Lister, Health Correspondent
THE safety of the MMR innoculation, the combination vaccine given to young children and widely supported by scientists, will be questioned again this week in a presentation that claims to provide proof of a link to autism.
American researchers say that their study supports the findings of Andrew Wakefield, the discredited gastroenterologist who raised fears that the measles, mumps and rubella injection might be causing autism.
Uptake of the vaccine decreased sharply after Dr Wakefield suggested that MMR should be avoided in favour of single vaccinations. His research, published in The Lancet in 1998, detected traces of the measles virus in the guts of 12 children with autism.
The latest study, led by Arthur Krigsman, of New York University School of Medicine, involved 275 children. Serious intestinal inflammations were found in some of the autistic children and biopsies of gut tissue were performed on 82 of them. Of these, 70 are said to have shown evidence of the measles virus, which so far has been confirmed in 14 cases by more stringent DNA tests.
Steve Walker, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina, who analysed the gut samples, said the work mirrored Dr Wakefield’s study. All the children involved were diagnosed with autism and had come to Dr Krigsman and Dr Walker seeking help for symptoms of serious digestive problems for which no explanation could be found.
The research, which is being presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research in Montreal this week, has yet to be published in a scientific journal and subjected to peer review.
Mainstream science has repeatedly examined the theory of a link between MMR and autism and found no evidence to back it. Supporters of the theory are accused of interpreting two biological occurrences as a causative relationship that does not exist.
Uptake of MMR, which was introduced into Britain in 1988, has improved in recent years, but remains as low as 70 per cent in the wake of ongoing questioning of its possible side-effects. The World Health Organisation recommends 95 per cent coverage, and the shortfall has been blamed for contributing to rising rates of measles and mumps in recent years.
A recent analysis of 31 MMR studies by the Cochrane Library, one of the most authoritative sources of evidence-based medicine, showed no credible grounds for claims of serious harm.
GO, Dr. Krigsman! ~Sue
Study Finds MMR Is Linked With Autism
By Lucy Johnston for the Sunday Express http://www.express.co.uk
Sunday, Jun 04, 2006
Scientists have confirmed the controversial link between MMR and
The findings corroborate research by Dr Andrew Wakefield,
discredited by the Department of Health for suggesting the combined measles,mumps and rubella jab may have contributed to rises in the disorder. The new study, led by Dr Arthur Krigsman, a child
gastroenterologist from New York University School of Medicine, has led to calls for an immediate overhaul of Britain's child vaccination programme.
The research, to be presented at the International Conference for
Autism Research in Montreal next week, is still going on but,
unusually early findings have been released because of the significance. The study, which covers 275 children and is being carried out at different medical centres in America, found serious intestinal inflammation in autistic children identical to that described by Dr Wakefield and his colleagues eight years ago.
Gut biopsy tissue from 82 of these children reveals that 85 per
cent have evidence of the measles virus in their inflamed intestines.
Fourteen have so far been confirmed by more stringent DNA tests.
The news will be a huge embarrassment for the Department of Health which rubbished Dr Wakefield's research on the grounds it was uncorroborated "bad science". Steve Walker, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Medical Centre, North Carolina, who analysed the gut samples,said the work mirrored Dr Wakefield's study. "We're very excited by our findings," he said. "Wakefield's study was criticised because it lacked replication. Our goal is to see if the finding was real. Preliminary results show that it was."
Just as Dr Wakefield discovered in his work on the children with a
previously unidentified bowel condition, Dr Krigsman's patients
had all inexplicably deteriorated, losing language and other skills at
around 12 to 18 months of age.
All of the children under both doctors were diagnosed with autism
and had come to them seeking help for symptoms of serious digestive problems for which no explanation could be found.
Dr Wakefield, who was forced to resign his job as a
gastroenterologist at the Royal Free Hospital in north London after he publicised his theory, welcomed the research. He said: "The Department of Health was able to discredit our research by saying no one else had found similar results to ours but no one else had looked.
"In the light of these results - which are strikingly similar to
ours - the Government and its regulators are obliged to act. At this
stage it would be prudent and in the best interests of vaccine uptake to make single vaccines available."
Dr Richard Halvorsen, a GP from the Holborn Medical Centre in
central London, who is writing a book on the child vaccination programme,said: "This is incredibly powerful evidence confirming the link between autism, MMR and bowel disease.
"The Government should withdraw MMR until its safety can be
proven, particularly as we have safer and effective alternatives."
Jackie Fletcher, founder of Jabs, a support group for parents who
believe their children have been damaged by vaccines, said: "This
study confirms that the measles virus is present in the guts of these children when it shouldn't be.
"This also shows that the studies, which the Government use as
proof of the safety of MMR vaccine, are inadequate. The MMR should be suspended and single jabs reinstated immediately. We cannot take risks with our children."
A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said it could not
comment on the research until it had been presented but she defended the triple jab.
"There is no link between autism and the MMR vaccine," she
said. "MMR remains the best form of protection against measles, mumps andrubella."
Questi articoli sono facilmente alla portata del pubblico e sono da voi verificabili perchè apparsi su riviste mediche e noti giornali di recente, leggere la data.
Stefano Ferretti

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