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Prov.: Milano
Città: Milano

2484 Messaggi

Inserito il - 27 aprile 2006 : 20:16:51  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di atreliu  Invia a atreliu un messaggio AOL  Invia a atreliu un messaggio ICQ  Clicca per vedere l'indirizzo MSN di atreliu  Invia a atreliu un messaggio Yahoo! Invia a atreliu un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
The Armenise-Harvard Career Development Award provides from three to five years of support for newly independent scientists, currently living abroad, who wish to return to Italy to an agreed host institute. The funding includes salaries for the grant recipient and other research staff associated with the designated program. While an annual equipment/infrastructure allowance is also included, the host institute must provide the facilities and equipment necessary to carry out the proposed research. Further details can be found at

The Armenise-Harvard PhD Grant is available to young Italian graduate scientists who have been accepted to Harvard University’s Division of Medical Sciences (DMS) to undertake a Ph.D. The Foundation will provide support for the first two years of funding, after which time the candidate will be funded through the host department at HMS. The Armenise-Harvard Foundation will also provide one year of postdoctoral support upon the candidate’s return to Italy. Further details can be found at

Deadlines for grant applications are:
·Armenise-Harvard Career Development Award, directly to the Armenise-Harvard Foundation by 15 July 2006. Please note that short-listed candidates will be required to attend an interview in Rome in November 2006.
·Armenise-Harvard PhD Program, application for admission to the Harvard University Division of Medical Science(DMS) PhD program mid-December 2006 (exact date to be announced).

Per maggiori informazioni: oppure contattare:

Alexa M Mason
Director of Italian Affairs
Armenise-Harvard Foundation
Villa I Tatti, Via di Vincigliata 26, 50135 Florence, Italy
T: +39 055 603 251, F: +39 055 603 383, - Animazioni, News, didattica & Community su bioinformatica, biologia molecolare ed ingegneria genetica.

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