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 cellule THP1
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3 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 marzo 2007 : 16:45:46  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di Celeste Invia a Celeste un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Ciao a tutti.
Scusate se rompo ancora con questa storia, ma c'è qualcuno tra voi che ha trasfettato ancora, in modo transiente, la linea monocitaria umana THP1? Ho provato credo 6 agenti trasfettanti con vari tempi e quantità di reagente,cellule e plasmidi...e non ne vengo a capo, l'ultimo utilizzati è il FUGENE6 della Roche, ma anche questo da pessimi risultati. Aiutatemi se potete, in alternativa non mi resta che provare l'elettroporazione.




Città: Edinburgh

11491 Messaggi

Inserito il - 09 marzo 2007 : 20:56:00  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'Homepage di chick80 Invia a chick80 un Messaggio Privato  Rispondi Quotando
Non le ho mai usate, ma potresti vedere un po' in letteratura cosa fanno.

Ad esempio quello che dicono in questo articolo:
Overexpression of uncoupling protein 2 in THP1 monocytes inhibits beta2 integrin-mediated firm adhesion and transendothelial migration.


Cell Culture and Transfection
THP1 monocytes (American Type Culture Collection) and human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs) obtained from Cell Applications Inc. (San Diego, CA) were cultured and maintained as described.5 Complete sequence of human UCP2 was amplified, inserted into the expression vector pcDNA3.1(Invitrogen), and confirmed by DNA sequencing. L-{alpha}-phosphatidylcholine (ePC), L-{alpha}-phosphatidylserine (bPS), 1,2-Dioleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE), and sphingomyelin (eSph) and cholesterol (Chol) (Avanti Polar Lipids, Alabaster, AL) in chloroform, were mixed in an approximate weight ratio of ePC:DOPE:eSph:Chol:bPS=1.6:3:1.47:3:1.3 (10.37 mg/mL), filtered (0.2 µm pore size), dried in a N2-filled rotary evaporator to make a thin film, and mixed with 200 µg UCP2-pcDNA3.1 (1 µg/µL stock). Hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ) was prepared as described.9 Briefly, HVJ was irradiated by ultraviolet light (198mJ/cm2) to inactivate the RNA genome, and 1 mL HVJ suspension (20,000 hemagglutinating units) was mixed with the liposome-UCP2-pcDNA3.1 complex. The resultant liposome-UCP2-pcDNA3.1-HVJ complex was separated from free HVJ by centrifugation on a discontinuous 30% sucrose gradient (25,000 rpm at 4°C for 2 hours), and then collected and suspended in 2 mL balanced salt solution. Liposome-UCP2-pcDNA3.1-HVJ complex (250 µL) was added dropwise to 5 million THP1 monocytes in 20 mL RPMI medium 1640 containing 2% heat-inactivated FBS. After 24 hours, monocytes were harvested and used for further analysis. Flow cytometry analysis of monocytes stained with propidium iodide showed that the liposome complex was not cytotoxic.

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