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CELLS Alive!

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Descrizione: Immagini, animazioni e video di molti processi cellulari.

Data Inserimento: 25/03/2006 | Visite: 27896

Science Draw Graphic

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Descrizione: Consulenza grafica per la comunicazione della ricerca scientifica. I am a scientist with graphic knowledge and prowess that can help researchers in the communication of their concepts, ensuring that the message rightness is kept in the utmost integrity

Data Inserimento: 20/02/2015 | Visite: 27895

Video ed animazioni curate da Body Code

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Descrizione: Body Code is a selection of biomedical animations that explore the human body at the microscopic and molecular scale.

Data Inserimento: 26/02/2010 | Visite: 27895

Sumanas animations

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Descrizione: Raccolta di varie animazioni a carattere scientifico, suddivise in categorie.

Data Inserimento: 01/08/2009 | Visite: 27894


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Descrizione: Sito che contiene alcune animazioni Biologiche in Flash, alcuni filmati, immagini e presentazioni Power Point interessanti.

Data Inserimento: 01/08/2009 | Visite: 27893

DNA tube

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Descrizione: Raccolta di video scientifici

Data Inserimento: 01/08/2009 | Visite: 27892

Virtual Cell Animation Collection

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Descrizione: The Virtual Cell Animation Collection has been developed to introduce students to new concepts. By walking through the still images and movies included for each topic, viewers can easily choose between either studying a specific step from one of the processes or taking a more immersive look at the process in its entirety.

Data Inserimento: 01/08/2009 | Visite: 27892

Cell Biology Animation

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Descrizione: Animazioni riguardanti la biologia cellulare

Data Inserimento: 24/02/2008 | Visite: 27891

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