Bioinformatica e Web 2.0

Inside Bioinfo

9 novembre 2007 - 11:09

Progetto bioSapiens (corsi e dintorni)

There is talk of the project BioSapiens , another of those huge agglomerations of European institutions around a project too big to be conducted by a single institution. These scientific joint ventures will also be in fashion (because they circulate a good amount of funding), but they also fulfill a fundamental task, which is often underestimated: the integration of work platforms . In fact, these projects must forcibly integrate the bioniform tools into their startup phase, as explained in the article:

In Europe, industry luminaries gathered in the Network of Excellence called BioSapiens, funded under the thematic area ‘Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health’ under the Sixth Framework Program. So far, one of the project’s main achievements has been the development of new bioinformatics tools and their integration into existing biological data management systems.
Biosapiens also has a wide spectrum of collateral activities. The article says that the project will last one more year and during this period the researchers plan to refine their tools for the next phase of the ENCODE project, which involves the annotation of the remaining 99% of the human genome. In addition it also provides a training component . This aspect intrigued me a lot, and pushed me to go to deepen the official website . Personally I always try to keep myself informed about the training proposals in the bioinformatics field, and, being able,

Our goal is to empower therapists with the knowledge, wisdom and hop over to this website needed to create their strategies for successfully serving their clients.

But I advise all those bioinformatics who would like to make a beautiful foreign training experience (so all, right?) to look in the training section . There are some very interesting information about the ESB: The European School In Bioinformatics and above all c ‘is the ISCB Listing of Degree / Certificate Programs Worldwide , a mini search engine containing information about all the bioinformatics courses that are carried out in the European institutes .
A very convenient way to avoid having to browse the sites of universities and institutions.

Tags: bioinformatica, Cordis, formazione